This is a very important year group for children as they transition from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2. Year 3 children will consolidate their learning from Year 2, as they are given opportunities to revisit key skills and begin to build upon these foundations.
The children begin a new journey of creativity, independence and engagement in fresh challenges of their next phase of schooling. It is during this phase that they can deepen their understanding of objectives that will support them through Key Stage 2. Despite the introduction of more challenging material and ideas, we believe that it is important to maintain elements of fun, creativity and an engaging learning environment, giving children the opportunity to practise their oracy skills and develop holistically.
In Year 3 we promote a love of learning in a range of challenging and engaging topics such as the Ancient Egyptians where children have a dress up day. We believe that every child is on their
own learning journey and each one of them will have their own achievements of which to be proud within or outside of the classroom.
Curriculum overview
Possible visits and places to explore
Science Museum (Forces/Magnets and Light)
The British Museum (Bronze Age to Iron Age)
Natural History Museum (Stone Age and Rocks)
London Sri Murugan Temple (R.E topic)
Kew Gardens (plants)