At Avenue Primary, we learn about a different topic every half term. These topics are based on the Early Years Foundation Stage outcomes.
Nursery and Reception follow a topic approach with a different focus each half term. For each topic there is a list of core books that are used. There are seven areas of learning in the EYFS and these are covered in each topic. These include three prime areas and four specific areas. These are:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development (Prime)
- Communication and Language (Prime)
- Physical Development (Prime)
- Literacy (Specific)
- Mathematics (Specific)
- Understanding of the World (Specific)
- Expressive Arts and Design (Specific)
As well as teaching what children should know in the seven areas, we also look at how children learn. These are called the Characteristics of Effective Learning. These are:
- Playing and Exploring: Finding out and exploring; playing with what they know; being willing to have a go
- Active Learning: Being involved and concentrating; being able to keep on trying; enjoying achieving what they set out to do
- Creating and Thinking critically: Have their own idea; making links; choosing ways to do things.
Curriculum overview
Useful Websites
CBeebies – Simple games and stories for young children to enjoy.
Preschool Rainbow