We would like to welcome you and your child to Year 2 and look forward to an exciting year ahead. We hope your child will enjoy their time in Year 2 with us and will build on the skills and knowledge they have learnt in the Year 1 class. Year 2 is the final year in Key Stage 1 and children will complete their SATs at the end of year.
Throughout Year 2 the children are involved in a rich and exciting curriculum including trips, visitor and enrichment days . They will take part in the formal daily English and Mathematics lessons, where they are taught at individual levels and challenged to their full potential.
The children are proud to be and encouraged to be resilient, confident and motivated learners. They learn about the world around us through our teaching of the ‘Jigsaw’ curriculum and are keen to understand themselves and are proud of where they came from and who they are.
The children are keen to show thoughtfulness and co-operation to their peers and are prepared to use the zones of regulation to explain their varied thoughts and feelings.
Curriculum overview
Links for our topics
Great Fire of London
Museum of London
The Great Fire of London
School Learning Zone
BBC Bitesize
VOW Science – Material Properties
Word Wall – Materials-sorting
General internet links
White Rose Maths
Twinkl – Free Resources
Oxford Owl – Learning at Home
Home/school project
Our topic this half-term is ’Who is to blame for the Great Fire of London in 1666?’ Research about what buildings in London looked like in 1666. Construct a building using junk materials e.g. cereal boxes, cardboard boxes. Make them look as realistic as possible. .
Possible Visits and Trips/Home activities
Science Museum
Natural History Museum
Museum of London Docklands
LBN – Manor Park Library
Mudchute Farm
Stepney City Farm