At Avenue Primary School, within the Art Curriculum, we intend for all children to gain knowledge and understanding about art around them, we encourage them to explore and take risks in their own work and to creatively and imaginatively develop their ideas and interest through recording and experimentation with a variety of materials.
We wish to give our children many opportunities to express themselves.
We want our students to be:
Excited about classical and contemporary artists and cultures from around the world and using this art to inspire and motivate them to create their own art.
Resilient when learning a new skill as well as build confidence in themselves and understanding that some skills take practice.
Curious about new materials and eager to explore how different materials can be used separately or together to create different desired effects.
Thoughtful when looking at their peers’ artwork and being supportive to each other when learning new skills, that can be challenging at times.
Cooperative with each other when they clean up after their art activities. Learning how to work together to ensure equipment, resources and the classroom are looked after. Working together on collaborated pieces of art.
Places to visit
Tate Modern
Tate Britain
Saatchi Gallery Serpentine Gallery
Whitechapel Gallery Royal Academy of Arts
National Gallery Hayward Gallery
National Portrait Gallery The Wallace Collection
Photographer’s Gallery Victoria and Albert museum
British Museum Barbican Art Gallery
Useful Links
National Gallery of Art
Kinder Art
Art Cyclopedia
Art for Kids Hub
Metropolitan Museum of Art
NCES Kids’ Zone
Kids Arts And Crafts Activities
V&A Museum
Please click on the year group to view what some of the children at Avenue have been creating this term.