
At Avenue Primary School, within the Geography Curriculum, we intend to enable all children to learn about the challenges the world is facing. We expect our pupils to understand that geography is a significant part in understanding the world, its environment and places near and far looking closely at how they are interdependent and interconnected. We aim to encourage them to:

  • Be motivated to delve into and enhance their understanding of places and environment.
  • Draw on and recognise cultural and ethnic diversity in our local community.
  • To be confident to go beyond their immediate world and deepen their knowledge of the world and the people who live in it.
  • Be thoughtful and understand the potential of their role and the impact that they might have through their actions and interest.
  • Develop their sense of responsibility and desire to care and improve what is around them.
  • Develop a resilient enquiring mind, through questioning, being critical and begin to form their own opinions and inspiration to improve and preserve the future of our planet.
  • To show curiosity about what is happening; tying together the past, the present and what may occur in the future.
  • Be aware of how to make our planet equal, fair and sustainable.
    Work cooperatively to think like geographers and develop excellent fieldwork skills as well as other geographical attitudes and techniques.
  • Develop the ability to reach clear conclusions and explain their findings.
  • Have the ability to express well-balanced opinions, rooted in very good knowledge and understanding about current issues in society and the environment.

Overview of topics

Useful links

BBC Teach
Topmarks KS1
KS1 Geography BBC Bitesize
National Geographic
KS2 Geography BBC Bitesize
Geography games
Youtube continent and oceans song